Thursday, November 26, 2009


The reality of the world seems to hit more at times than others.  There are times it seems we see things a little more clearly and we aren't as oblivious to the state of the world or situations others are in.

Working in bigger cities has opened my eyes as you would expect.  I have been very overwhelmed by the number of homeless here in the 2 cities I've worked in so far.  In Sacramento, I work in a hospital close to downtown, so it's expected that we see more of the homeless population.  The complications of H1N1 and colder weather seem to be driving more into the hospitals.  Not to mention, the struggling economy causing facilities to be closed and funding to be cut for programs. Which programs are cut?  Those that care for the mentally ill and keep them off the streets.  Further aggravating the problem of funding is of course these people are unable to pay and have no insurance, meaning the hospital "eats" the costs (which I have no personal issues with, since we are here to care for those who need care, however, many hospitals are in the red and having to make cut backs, which causes snowballing issues for everybody. I'm interested to see how reform will affect our current struggles).

I have cared for many homeless people here.  Many of whom have psychological illnesses and some who have just had "bad luck."  I have discharged several to "home," which happens to be the streets.  It is so conflicting to discharge them to nowhere, with no next meal guaranteed.  I discharged one before dinner and, after the fact, realized I should have waited an hour so he could eat one more full meal.  I then went back to my hotel (which I often complain about) and slept in a warm, dry bed, while he slept on the cold, wet streets.  One young woman who had been through enough to cripple anyone started crying when we were unable to find her backpack that contained everything she had in the world in the rush of trying to get her moved so we could admit someone new as our ER was being overran.  Another man told me, "I'll be alright. I've got my pack there and my sleeping bag . . . "

So, I am humbled in the presence of these people.  Why them and not myself?  I am no more worthy of a home, a warm bed, a healthy mind, or the warm meals I never fail to have.  I was just the one that wasn't born into their particular situation at that particular time.  I am so frivolous so often with what I am given.  May I never forget it is by no merit or worth of my own. And may I remain humble and always thankful.

God have mercy on the homeless.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Exploring Sac Town

This is the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in downtown

Same cathedral . . . different angle. Sorry for the repetition! : )

I haven't see the Governator anywhere . . . I think he and his wife
have been too busy parking in red-zones.

"The City of Trees" means lots of leaves!

This is the Great American River (I think) and is the river
my bike trail follows! Very nice.

Another view from the trail.

Part of the trail.

I saw 10 of these little guys!  Very nice.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sacramento's on Fire!

So, I'm in Sacramento and have been working on the floor for a week.  I still haven't figured out how to juggle a life with 8 hour work days . . . I know, everybody else in the world does it, but, I have never had to work 8 hour days.  I have worked 12 hour shifts for either 2 or 3 days in a row, would have a couple or three off in a row, and then do it again.  I wouldn't have much of a life at all while I worked the twelves, but then would have a nice chunk of time to relax, take trips, or socialize.  I'm still trying to learn how to balance all that throughout the week.  I will say, I don't think it's as tiring to spread the work hours out a bit and working more of a day schedule is probably helping that as well.  If any of you have any insight as to how to manage a well-balanced life working 8 hour days, feel free to email me!  : )

I haven't figured it out yet. . . But Sacramento always smells like Sunray did during the fall when they were burning corn stubble in the fields and sometimes the sky is just as brown! I haven't heard anything on the news about wildfires anywhere, but there must be some somewhere.  Very strange.  And the sun never really seems to fully shine here.  I don't think we're that much further north than the panhandle of Texas, either.  The latitude of Sacramento is 38.70 N and the latitude of Lubbock (not really the panhandle) is 33.58 N.  So 5.12 degrees further North and for some reason, the sunlight always seems like it's either early morning or late evening, even when the sun is as high as it gets!  Is it smog?  I know it's fall now, but really, should it make that much of a difference?  I'm really baffled. I miss the sun!

Another baffling thing about California:  many nurses wear fanny packs . . . yep.  I have never needed a fanny pack full of 3 different pairs of scissors, 2 sets of hemostats (surgical clamps we use as pliers or grippers), 2 rolls of tape, and 8 pens.  Call me crazy.  If my already stuffed pockets don't have what I usually need, I walk out of the room and go get it.  I'm a little behind the times!

Okay, so back to Sacramento:  I haven't really figured out much about the city other than it smells like fire. I have found the rough part of town (I think I'm living in it, judging by the smell of maybe something like "wacky tebacky" around 2 am every night--I've put in a request to move and should be this week)!  I have driven through Old Town, which looks like it might be a neat place to visit at least a couple of times.  I work down the street from the capitol, which is nice.  Sac has many trees (it is known as "the city of trees.") which are turning, so that is a nice sight.  The weather is very pleasant and we usually have a high of 60-65 degrees.

The hospital is nice and reminds me very much of where I did my schooling at the big Covenant.  The layout of the floor is  very similar, so it feels somewhat like home in that way.  Everybody I've worked with is very nice and welcoming.

So, on the to do list is to find interesting things to do, maybe somewhere to do some volunteer work, and make some local friends!

 Sorry no pictures. I'll take some good ones this week and post them!  Hope you are all doing well and feeling especially blessed!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bye, Bye Bay! Hello Sac!

On the way to Sacramento, I decided to spend the afternoon in San Fran, being a typical tourist, again. : )  One of my friends from home bought me a City Pass, which has tickets to various touristy type things to do.  The other day, a friend of mine and I went to the De Young Museum of Art.  Today, I decided to do the boat bay tour, the aquarium, and ride the "famous" Hyde St and Powell cable car uptown.  It has been a fun day with beautiful weather, so it's been a good way to exit the Bay area!

(you can click on these pics for better resolution and a larger view. I recommend it!)

The view from the top of the De Young Tower.

Down by the pier

I know . . . I've posted tons of Golden Gate Bridge pictures.
But, not one from this angle!

You can't really tell, but it's slowly moving down the glass . . . yeah, I know . . . I can hear my friends making fun of me now . . . : )

I start orientation on my floor in Sacramento tomorrow morning.  I am looking forward to a day schedule.  I'm looking forward to a little less humidity (for vanity's sake for my hair . . . I know . . . ).  I'm looking forward to more free time on my work days.  I'm looking forward to maybe a little less bird poo on my car  (not sure that will happen since Sacramento's the "city of trees" . . . ).  There are many things I will miss about this area, though.  I won't list them so I don't dwell. : )  I would love to come back to the Bay Area.

Ok, time to head to Sac and to make sure my car wasn't towed nor my bike stolen! Hope all is well where you are!