Saturday, September 5, 2009

"Where is Stanford?"

I went to Tulsa this past week to take the ONS (Oncology Nursing Society) chemotherapy and biotherapy course at Cancer Treatment Centers of America.  First, let me just say, the Cancer Treatment Center facility was BEAUTIFUL!  They have waterfalls and lavish gardens around their facility and palm trees in the corridor (I wonder if they're fake since you shouldn't be around live plants when you're immunocompromised because they can have bacteria or other pathogens that can cause infection on them, but I didn't think to further investigate it. Darn).  Anyway, beautiful facility and one of the nurses there told me patients helped design their inpatient hospital rooms!  They do not, however, have a stem cell unit at this facility (where they perform stem cell transplants for those with leukemias, myelomas, etc), which I found surprising (ha! Covenant wins that one!).  They also do not treat children there.

Anyhow, I completed the course on Thursday.  I had been in contact with my recruiter from my traveling agency throughout the week discussing positions and licensing issues.  On Thursday, as I drove back to Texas, I received a call from the assistant manager at Stanford:


"Is Sabra available?"

"This is she."

"Hi, this is (I can't remember his name!), assistant manager at Stanford.  I just wanted to contact you and double-check about some information I see on your profile."  (I've really got to work on being better about listening to names . . . especially when looking for jobs . . . )


"So you've been giving chemo for two years?"


"Are you ONS Chemo certified?"

"Yes, I just completed it today!"

"And are you familiar with central lines?"


"Okay! Do you have any questions for me?"

"Umm, when will I know if you are going to offer me the position?"

"Well, I would think you should hear something from AMM tomorrow."

"Okay, great! Thanks!"

*ring ring*


"Hi Sabra, this is K___, from AMM!"

"Hi, K___!"

"So, I just submitted your profile to Stanford but I can pull it if you want me to."

"Yeah, the assistant manager just called me, so don't pull it!"

"Oh, really?! So you already interviewed?"

"Umm, I guess so!"

"Oh, ok, great!  Well, I'll let you know if I hear anything from them."

"Okay, thanks K___!"

--20 miles down the road--

*ring ring*


"Hi Sabra, this is K___ from AMM!"

"Hi, K___!"

"So Stanford offered you the job! Congratulations!"

"Oh, great! That's awesome!"

"Yeah, that's an awesome hospital and will be wonderful to have on your resume! That's really awesome!"


I seriously almost cried when I received the news!  (It's stressful not having a job!)  So, I start October 5 at Stanford University Hospital on the oncology floor during nights to cover as they implement a new electronic charting software!  It is only for a month, but K___ thinks they might extend my contract.  I'm not sure they will if they only need me for a software switch, but I really don't care! I'm going to California, south of San Francisco, to work at one of the best hospitals in the nation!  This will be a good resume builder and open the door for many more opportunities anywhere.  Not to mention all that I will learn and see at Stanford.  I'm very excited!

I have to say, this is certainly God's work and faithfulness.  I have been praying for a job, felt like I was being led to the San Francisco area and was very disappointed when the other San Fran opps didn't work out because I felt it was where I was supposed to go.  Other opps in the meantime didn't work out either.  This has been a time of hard prayer and trying to do my best to remember His goodness and faithfulness while I have been extremely anxious.  Also, if you do not know the history of what has led to this decision, many doors were closed for me here in LBK and I felt I would be disobedient and maybe nuts to stay.  So, here we go!  Let's see what He's doing!

Thank you all for your support and encouragement!  I'm still around Lubbock for a little less than a month, so I might still see some of you and maybe not.  Love you all!

I've been getting a lot of  "So, where is Stanford?" questions.  Here it is:

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